Does having a sunroof increase insurance?

replace sunroof with auto insurance policy coverage

You need to know that many vehicles come equipped with a sunroof or moonroof. This is a stylish way to let some natural light into a car or enjoy the benefits of fresh air without owning a full convertible. Unfortunately, these glass panels are often easily damaged by collisions, vandalism, falling objects, or other perils. fortunately, auto insurance policy does cover damage to a sunroof for the right coverage.

The auto policy’s comprehensive coverage will covered all glass on a vehicle. This includes the windshield, side windows, and sunroof. It does not have damage to mirrors or headlights, even if those parts are made from glass. Glass damage is always covered under comprehensive coverage regardless of what caused the injury. If the car is damaged in a collision accident, the vehicle itself would be covered under collision coverage, but the glass damage would be handled through comprehensive coverage.

The comprehensive coverage only applies to damaged glass, not the vehicle’s body. Some sunroofs have mechanical parts or metal frames holding them in place. If these are damaged in addition to the glass itself, they would be covered by whatever coverage applies to the loss type.

For example, if the sunroof and its mechanical parts were damaged by hail, the entire claim would be handled under comprehensive coverage. If, however, the sunroof and surrounding area were destroyed in a rollover auto accident, the body damage would be dealt with under collision, and the glass would be paid under comprehensive.

What does it cost to replace a sunroof?

It depends…If the comprehensive coverage is in place, you will only need to pay the amount of the total deductible to have the glass replaced. Many people maintain comprehensive deductibles that are the same as the collision deductible. Still, many policies have a lower deductible for comprehensive coverage since that coverage is usually cheaper to add to a policy. Contact us today if you want to know the sunroof replacement cost for your car.

Some provinces allow drivers to purchase full-glass coverage. This particular type of comprehensive replaces glass for free with no deductible. This applies to sunroofs as well as windshields and side windows. Additionally, even if you have regular comprehensive coverage, the insurance company will waive the deductible if the glass is repairable rather than needing to be replaced.

If your sunroof is damaged in a collision accident, you only need to pay the collision deductible. In other words, if your collision causes glass damage, filing a separate claim for the glass is unnecessary. Instead, the insurance company will code a portion of the loss to comprehensive and the rest to the collision while only charging you a single deductible.

Does Car Insurance Cover Sunroof Damage?

A sunroof not only adds style to a car but also has many benefits. If you have one on your vehicle, you know that it can be an effective way to circulate fresh, cool air into your car. Of course, you can roll down your window for the same effect, but using the sunroof instead doesn’t let as much wind and road noise into your cab. Additionally, during the day, the sunroof brightens up the inside of your car while giving it a roomier feel at the same time, and it’s also great for looking up at the stars when driving on those country roads at night.

Repairs Can Be Costly

In other words, your sunroof is a good investment that adds value to your vehicle. Chances are that it wasn’t cheap to add this feature, and if it gets damaged, you could pay a significant amount for repairs. Since today’s sunroofs are motorized and powered by electricity, the various components are more likely to be damaged. Furthermore, sunroofs are subject to the same outside sources that can damage your windshield: debris, pebbles, rocks, hail storms, collisions with other vehicles, etc. So the question is, will your insurance cover the costs if your sunroof gets damaged?

It Depends…

Whether your insurance covers sunroof damage depends on your policy type. If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, your windshield, side windows, and sunroof glass are all covered. However, comprehensive coverage only applies to the glass on your sunroof; the opening and closing mechanism, frame, and tracks will be covered if you are insured for the type of loss that caused the damage. So if your sunroof mechanism gets damaged by accident, you would need to have a policy that has accidental coverage included, or if the glass and components were both damaged from an attempted theft, you would need to have theft coverage in your policy and so on.

Additional Coverage

Auto insurance policies often have both a comprehensive excess and a collision excess, which means you need only to pay a small amount out of your pocket, and insurance will cover the rest. However, you can avoid paying this basic excess if you add additional windscreen coverage. Getting this extra coverage (if the insurance company offers it) means that you won’t have to pay the basic comprehensive excess for damage to your windshield, side windows, or sunroof.

Is It Covered in Your Policy?

Because the sunroof on your car is a relatively expensive feature, it’s important to know whether your insurance policy covers it. If you are unsure about the coverage or basic excess, look through your policy details or contact your insurance agent. Similarly, if you are buying insurance for a recently purchased vehicle, find out the extent of the different levels of coverage relating to sunroofs. Windscreen coverage may be worth it to those wanting to avoid paying the comprehensive excess.

If your sunroof is broken and you have the right coverage, the insurance company will determine the reasonable cost for repair or replacement. Also if only the glass is damaged, your insurance premium won’t change.

How do I file a claim for a damaged sunroof?

A glass claim should be filed with the claims department at the agent’s office or over the phone. Some insurance companies have an option for glass-only damage when you call. If the sunroof is damaged, do not select this option. Instead, opt to speak with a representative and file the claim directly with them.

This is because glass-only claims departments are usually outsourced to a neutral third-party dispatcher. Rather than handling the claim through your usual insurer, the glass claim is dealt with directly by us or another similar company that will then bill the insurer. While this works smoothly and efficiently for windshields, this process is not designed for sunroofs.

Sunroofs are specialty parts that may need to be ordered directly from the manufacturer. Additionally, the glass claims dispatcher will not be able to assist you with repairs to any of the mechanical parts of the damaged sunroof. The call will be re-directed to the insurance company’s primary claims department. It will save you some time to call the claims department directly to file the claim.

Once the claim has been established, your vehicle will be inspected by a licensed adjuster. The adjuster will look at the damage in person and determine if the glass is the only thing that needs to be repaired or if there are any other mechanical issues or body damage to deal with. They will send you a settlement check for the damage, less any deductibles; this money can be used to repair the vehicle at the shop of your choice.

Glass claims will usually not affect a person’s insurance rates if there is no accompanying body damage to the vehicle. If you’re concerned about the possible effect on your premiums, be sure to ask your agent or customer service representative if the claim will count against your rates.

And now…Does having a sunroof increase insurance?

Since sunroofs & moonroofs are often optional (and more expensive) accessories, it usually costs a little more to insure a car with one than without one. Another thing that affects the insurance price is your car’s safety features and how it performs in a crash. Since sunroofs & moonroofs are more prone to shatter or break in an accident thus they are more expensive to insure.

Check our Gallery for our work done on sunroofs & moonroofs: Auto Glass Gallery